Infografia1_Ing_Derechos-de-tenencia_ForoRural_161121 Infografia2_Ing_PueblosIndigenas_ForoRural_161121 Infografia3_Ing_LiderazgoMujeres_ForoRural_161121 Infografia4_Ing_Jovenes-Rurales_ForoRural_181121
Ep. 1: Enhancing sustainable production of diversified, safe, and nutritious food by family farmers
Ep. 2: Public policies to increase the participation of Family Farming in the Food systems
Panel 1: Enhancing sustainable production of diversified, safe, and nutritious food by family farmers and its contribution to sustainable livelihood
Panel 2: Promoting inclusive value chains and market access for family farmers
Panel 3: Public policies to increase the participation of family farming in the food systems
Special session on land tenure rights